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WA Honey Gala Photos

You are invited to join us at an exclusive event where honey is king, bees are revered and captivating conversation reigns supreme. It's a networking event with a difference! Enjoy great conversation and a delicious stand-up cocktail dinner while sampling the best our WA regions have to offer.

Conference Program

Bee experts and enthusiasts will gather to discuss and see the latest discoveries and technologies from across member country regions at the Asian Apiculture Association Conference in June 2024.

Bus Tour Photos

Embark on an extraordinary journey into the heart of Western Australia’s natural wonders with our exclusive post-conference tour in June 2024: “Exploring Manuka Secrets and Ancient Landscapes.”

17th Asian Apiculture Association Conference 2024

Perth, Western Australia

Conference Overview

Wednesday 12th June 2024 - Friday 14th June 2024
Esplanade Fremantle, Perth Western Australia

In June bee experts and enthusiasts will gather to discuss and see the latest discoveries and technologies from across member country regions at the Asian Apiculture Association Conference in June 2024.

Founded in 1993 and based in Beijing, China, the Asian Apicultural Association (AAA) is led by Professor Siriwat Wongsiri. With over 20 member countries, AAA facilitates communication among bee scientists and bee keepers in Asia. Since 1993, AAA has organised conferences for global collaboration in honey bee sciences, aiming to enhance research, improve beekeeping practices, and raise awareness about the vital role of bees in pollination and ecosystem preservation.

In 2024 their conference will be hosted in Fremantle, Western Australia supported by the Bee Industry Council of Western Australia.

Conference Sponsor

Conference picture impressions